Una de las ventajas del arroz a banda es que te permite improvisar; gambas, mejillones, verduras… La clave está en tu toque personal.
Arroz extra (22%), Caldo de pescado (agua, pescado y marisco (5%) (rape y pescado de roca, buey de mar y centollo) aceite de girasol, laurel, tomillo y sal), caldo de pollo (agua, pollo, vegetales 1% (puerro, zanahoria, cebolla, apio) sal y pimienta), pota (16%), sofrito (agua, tomate (4%), cebolla, aceite de girasol, aceite de oliva, azúcar, sal y àcido cítrico), alioli (3%) (aceite de girasol y ajo), picada (agua, harina de arroz, aceite de girasol, almendra y ajo), y sal.
Valores medios por cada 100g de producto
El arroz caldoso con bogavante. Es, simplemente, espectacular. Haz la prueba. Invita a quien quieras y no dejes que nadie vea los envases de Just Married. Se quedarán con la boca abierta.
Arroz extra (14%), Caldo de marisco (Agua, sofrito gamba (tomate, gamba (4%), cebolla, mantequilla, aceite de oliva, azúcar, sal y ajo), picada (agua, harina de arroz, aceite de oliva, almendra y ajo), buey de mar (6%), centollo (4%), mantequilla, sal, perejil y ajo), bogavante americano (18%), aceite de oliva, vino blanco (sulfitos), cebolla, tomate frito (tomate, aceite de oliva, azúcar, sal y ácido cítrico), sepia, potón, ajo y pimentón.
Valores medios por cada 100g de producto
Una exquisitez que hará las delicias de sus comensales. Cualquier ocasión será especial si la acompañas del Arroz De Foie al Jamón Ibérico de Just Married.
Arroz extra (22%), Caldo de pato (agua, pato, puerro, zanahoria, cebolla, apio), cebolla, nata, hígado de pato (4%), jamón ibérico (4%), vino Oporto (sulfitos), aceite de oliva, sal y pimienta.
Valores medios por cada 100g de producto
Nuestro arroz de pescado a la cazuela lo empezamos con un sofrito lento en una cazuela en la que antes hemos pasado el calamar con un poco de aceite. Lleva su tiempo. Por eso en Just Married lo preparamos para ti.
Arroz extra (22%), Caldo de pescado (agua, pescado y marisco (5%) (rape, pescado de roca, buey de mar y centollo), aceite de girasol y sal), Caldo de pollo (agua, pollo, puerro, zanahoria, cebolla, apio, sal y pimienta), marisco 19% (pota y potón), sofrito (agua, tomate (4%), cebolla, aceite de girasol, aceite de oliva, azúcar, sal y ácido cítrico), picada (agua, harina de arroz, aceite de girasol, almendra y ajo) y sal.
Valores medios por cada 100g de producto
Receta marinera donde las haya, y preparada con un caldo de aroma suave, pero de paladar intenso. Posiblemente, entre todas nuestras recetas la más intensa y con sabor a mar.
Arroz extra (22%), Caldo de pescado (agua, pescado de roca, jureles), pulpitos (22%), cebolla, tomate frito (tomate (1,7%), aceite de oliva, azúcar, sal y ácido cítrico), vino (sulfitos (1,3%), pimiento (0,5%), aceite de girasol, ajo, tinta de sepia y pimienta (0,01%).
Valores medios por cada 100g de producto
El Arroz Negro de Just Married sorprende su sabor, textura y color. Y al final, en el paladar, deja un sabor contundente pero amable que permanece y conquista.
Arroz extra (22%), Caldo de pescado (agua, pescado y marisco (5%) (rape, pescado de roca, buey de mar y centollo), aceite de girasol, laurel y sal), caldo de pollo (agua, pollo, vegetales 1% (puerro, zanahoria, cebolla, apio), sal y pimienta), pota (16%), sofrito arroz negro (agua, vegetales (5%) (tomate, puerro, cebolla) sepia (1%), aceite de girasol, aceite de oliva, harina de arroz, azúcar, almendra, ajo, laurel y ácido cítrico), alioli (aceite de girasol y ajo), picada (agua, harina de arroz, aceite de girasol, almendra y ajo), tinta de sepia (0,4%) y sal.
Valores medios por cada 100g de producto
Fideos horneados lentamente, canana cocinado y retirado del fuego en el momento justo, un buen sofrito de cebolla y tomate. ¿Qué más se puede pedir?
Fideos de trigo tostados (18%) (los fideos pueden contener trazas de huevo, soja y mostaza); Caldo de pescado (agua, pescado y marisco (13%) (rape, cabeza y piel de camarón boreal, pescado de roca, buey de mar y centollo) aceite de girasol y sal), caldo de pollo (agua, pollo, vegetales 1% (puerro, zanahoria, cebolla, apio) sal y pimienta), pota (16%), sofrito (agua, vegetales (5%) (tomate, cebolla), aceite de girasol, aceite de oliva, azúcar, sal y ácido cítrico), alioli (5%) (aceite de girasol y ajo (0,5%)) , picada (agua, harina de arroz, aceite de girasol, almendra y ajo), y sal.
Valores medios por cada 100g de producto
Nuestro risotto de boletus tiene el encanto romano, el señorío milanés, la exquisitez florentina, la luna veneciana y el sabor napolitano. ¿Cómo no caer rendido ante los encantos de nuestro delicioso “risotto”?
Arroz extra (19%) Ingredientes lata: Caldo de boletus (agua, boletus (5%) (Boletus edulis silvestre), sal), caldo de pollo (agua, pollo, vegetales (1%) (puerro, zanahoria, cebolla, apio) sal y pimienta), cebolla (12%), nata, aceite de oliva (2%), mantequilla, vino blanco (sulfitos) y sal.
Valores medios por cada 100g de producto
El caldo por exceléncia. El que te recuerda el hogar, la calidez, la calma. Te hace revivir bellos momentos de ocasiones especiales en familia. El típico caldo de tu abuela que hace que quieras volver a ser un niño. Hecho con ingredientes naturales, de proximidad, sin conservantes añadidos.
Agua, pollo, huesos de ternera, huesos y carne de cerdo, verduras (2%) (cebolla, zanahoria, patata, puerro y col) garbanzos, butifarra (carne de cerdo 98%, agua,sal y pimienta) butifarra negra ( papada, carne, corteza y sangre de cerdo, sal y pimienta) , panceta de cerdo ibérico y sal.
Valores medios por cada 100g de producto
Un caldo suave con sabor a mar, que dará a tus platos ese toque marinero que tanto nos gusta.
Agua, pescado y marisco (11%) (rape, pescado de roca, buey de mar y centollo), zanahoria, puerro, cebolla, apio, aceite de girasol, sal y pimienta.
Valores medios por cada 100g de producto
El Caldo de Pollo es el clásico por excelencia y en Just Married queríamos darle la importancia que se merece este maravilloso plato. Cocinado a fuego lento y con mucho cariño para que disfrutes del calor de hogar.
Agua, pollo (19%), puerro, zanahoria, cebolla, apio, sal y pimienta.
Valores medios por cada 100g de producto
En Just Married creemos que las recetas sencillas son la base de la cocina. Con ellas podemos elaborar mil y una recetas. Nuestro caldo de verduras, con ingredientes de primera calidad te brindará platos que te dejarán sin palabras.
Agua, verduras (9%) (puerro, zanahoria , cebolla, patata, apio y perejil) aceite de oliva, sal y pimienta.
Valores medios por cada 100g de producto
El Caldo Natural de buey de mar, centollo y gambas es irresistible, y tú solo tendrás que decidir como lo quieres preparar: fideuá, arroz, paella, zarzuela… El resultado siempre será el mismo ¡Exquisito!
Caldo de marisco (Agua, buey de mar (5%), centollo (3%), mantequilla, sal, perejil y ajo), sofrito gamba (tomate, gamba (3,5%), cebolla, mantequilla, azúcar, aceite de girasol, sal, ajo y ácido cítrico), picada (agua, harina de arroz, aceite de girasol, almendra y ajo).
Valores medios por cada 100g de producto
Nuestro fondo de pescado y marisco, un concentrado con todo el sabor del mar para que puedas crear las recetas que más quieras. Desde Platos de pescado, arroces, zarzuelas, fideuás, paellas hasta dónde llegue tu imaginación.
Agua, pescado y marisco (11%) (pescado de roca, cangrejo verde y piel de gambón), aceite de oliva, tomate (tomate, sal y ácido cítrico), ñora y sal.
Valores medios por cada 100g de producto
Disfruta de la carne más exquisita cocinada artesanalmente con ingredientes naturales y de primera calidad. Un sabor que te trasladará ala dehesa extremeña y que superará las expectativas de los más exigentes.
Carrillera de cerdo ibérico (48%), caldo de verduras (agua, puerro, zanahoria, cebolla, apio, sal y pimienta), cebolla, zanahoria, vino Oporto (sulfitos), aceite de oliva, aceite de girasol, sal y pimienta.
Valores medios por cada 100g de producto
Fuego lento, paciencia, una cuchara de madera y 5 horas es el tiempo que necesuta la cebolla para conseguir el color, el sabor y el olor que en Just Married sabemos que te encanta.
Cebolla fresca variedad Figueras (80%) y aceite de girasol.
Valores medios por cada 100g de producto
En Just Married elaboramos el sofrito casero a fuego lento, con cariño y los mejores ingredientes. Es la base de muchos de nuestros platos, y ahora también puede ser de los tuyos.
Cebolla (55%), tomate (35%) (tomate, sal y ácido cítrico), aceite de girasol, azúcar y sal.
Valores medios por cada 100g de producto
Surprise yourself with its texture and color and with the forceful but friendly flavor that remains and conquers the palate. This rice will not leave you indifferent.
Made with natural and local ingredients, without added preservatives.
All the flavor of the Mediterranean inside a can.
Terrine content: Extra rice (22%) Can content: Fish stock (water, fish and shellfish (5%) (monkfish, rockfish, brown crab and spider crab), sunflower oil, laurel and salt), chicken stock (water, chicken, vegetables 1% (leek, carrot, onion, celery), salt and pepper), squid (16%), sautéed for black rice (water, vegetables (5%) (tomato, leek, onion) cuttlefish ( 1%), sunflower oil, olive oil, rice flour, sugar, almond, garlic, laurier and citric acid), aioli (sunflower oil and garlic), picada sauce (water, rice flour, sunflower oil, almond and garlic), cuttlefish ink (0.4%) and salt.
Valores medios por cada 100g de producto
Try our chorizo paella! The most authentic flavors of the Spanish peninsula in one plate. Delicious!
Water, chorizo (16%) (pork, salt, paprika, spices, garlic, edible natural pork casing), tomato, onion, red pepper, garlic, leek, olive oil, parsley, salt, pepper and bay leaf.
Valores medios por cada 100g de producto
Enjoy our fideuá! Slow baked noodles, with a good homemade tomato and onion sauté made with natural and local ingredients.
What more can you ask? We know it: Repeat!
Made with natural and local ingredients, without added preservatives.
All the flavor of the Mediterranean inside a can.
Terrine Content: toasted wheat noodles (18%) (the noodles may contain traces of egg, soya beans and mustard).
Can content: Fish stock (water, fish and shellfish (13%) (monkfish, boreal shrimp head and skin, rockfish, brown crab and spider crab) sunflower oil and salt), chicken stock (water, chicken, vegetables (1%) (leek, carrot, onion, celery) salt and pepper), squid (16%), sautéed vegetables (water, vegetables (5%) (tomato, onion), sunflower oil, olive oil, sugar, salt and citric acid), aioli (5%) (sunflower oil and garlic (0.5%)),picada sauce (water, rice flour, sunflower oil, almond and garlic), and salt.
Valores medios por cada 100g de producto
Delicious. Our Foie rice with Iberian ham combines with any day of the week and makes it a special day. Conqueror of palates with its genuine flavor, you will fall in love with it.
Made with natural and local ingredients, without added preservatives.
Terrine Content: Extra rice (22%) Can Content: Duck stock (water, duck, leek, carrot, onion, celery), onion, cream, duck liver (4%), Iberian ham (4%), Porto wine (sulphites), olive oil, salt and pepper.
Valores medios por cada 100g de producto
2-3 PORTIONS Rice with lobster. Simply spectacular. Made with natural and local ingredients, without added preservatives. All the flavor of the Mediterranean inside a can.
Terrine content: Extra rice (14%) Can content: Seafood Stock (Water, prawn sautée (tomato, prawn (4%), onion, butter, olive oil, sugar, salt and garlic), picada sauce (water, rice flour, olive oil, almond and garlic), brown crab (6%), spider crab (4%), butter, salt, parsley and garlic), American lobster (18%), olive oil, white wine (sulphites), onion, fried tomato (tomato, olive oil, sugar, salt and citric acid), cuttlefish, jumbo squid, garlic and paprika.
Valores medios por cada 100g de producto
Prepared with a broth with a mild aroma, but with an intense flavor. Conquer even the most demanding palates.
Made with natural and local ingredients, without added preservatives.
All the flavor of the Mediterranean inside a can.
Terrine content: Extra rice (22%) Cant Content: Fish stock (water, rockfish, jack mackerels), baby octopus (22%), onion (5.4%), fried tomato (tomato (1.7%), olive oil, sugar, salt and citric acid), wine (sulphites) (1.3%), red pepper (0.5%), sunflower oil, garlic, cuttlefish ink and pepper (0.01%).
Valores medios por cada 100g de producto
First of all, we start it with a slow homemade tomato and onion sauté in a casserole in which before we have passed the squid with a little bit of oil, and we add all the love it requires. It takes time, and that is why we love to prepare this rice and and see you enjoy it as it deserves.
Made with natural and local ingredients, without added preservatives.
All the flavor of the Mediterranean inside a can.
Terrine content: Extra rice (22%) Can Content Fish stock (water, fish and shellfish (5%) (monkfish and rockfish, brown crab and spider crab) sunflower oil and salt), chicken stock (water, chicken, vegetables 1% (leek, carrot, onion, celery) salt and pepper), shellfish (19%) (squid and jumbo squid), sautéed vegetables (water, tomato (4%), onion, sunflower oil, olive oil, sugar, salt and citric acid), picada sauce (water, rice flour, sunflower oil, almond and garlic), and salt.
Valores medios por cada 100g de producto
Our rice cooked in fish stock (paella) the most classic and simple rice that allows you to improvise and make it yours by adding some prawns, mussels or whatever you want. With all the flavor of the sea, be surprised and surprise your guests with this rice. Perfect for everyday and special occasions.
Made with natural and local ingredients, without added preservatives.
All the flavor of the Mediterranean inside a can.
Terrine content: Extra rice (22%) Can content: Fish stock (water, fish and shellfish (5%) (monkfish, rockfish, brown crab, spider crab) sunflower oil, laurel, thyme and salt), chicken stock (water, chicken, vegetables 1% (leek, carrot, onion, celery) salt and pepper), squid (16%) sautéed vegetables (water, tomato (4%), onion, sunflower oil, olive oil, sugar, salt and citric acid), aioli (3%) (sunflower oil and garlic), picada sauce (water, rice flour, sunflower oil, almond and garlic) and salt. Gluten-free recipe.
Valores medios por cada 100g de producto
Two ingredients combined to perfection. Rice with Iberian pork cheek. Nothing can go wrong with this new relationship. With a special flavor that surprises and makes you fall in love.
Made with natural and local ingredients, without added preservatives.
Extra rice (22%), stock (water, beef bones, vegetables (carrot, leek, onion, tomato and celery) salt and laurier), vegetables (9%) (onion and carrot), iberian pork cheek, mushroom mixture , red wine (sulphites), olive oil and salt.
Valores medios por cada 100g de producto
The broth that reminds you of home, warmth, calm. It makes you relive beautiful moments of special family occasions. Your grandmother’s typical broth that makes you want to be a child again. Made with natural ingredients, proximity, without added preservatives.
Water, chicken, beef bones, pork bones, pork meat, vegetables (2%) (onion, carrot, potato, leek and cabbage), chickpeas, sausage ( pork meat (98%), water, salt and pepper) black sausage (pork jowl, pork meat, pork rind, pork blood, salt and pepper), iberian pork bacon and salt.
Valores medios por cada 100g de producto
Chicken Broth is the classic par excellence and at Just Married we wanted to give this wonderful dish the importance it deserves. Cooked over a low heat and with a lot of love so that you can enjoy the warmth of home.
Water, chicken (19%), leek, carrot, onion, celery, salt and pepper.
Valores medios por cada 100g de producto
A smooth broth with all the flavor of the Mediterranean Sea. Give your dishes that sailor touch!
Made with natural and local ingredients, without added preservatives.
Water, fish and shellfish (11%) (monkfish, rock fish, brown crab and spider crab), carrot, leek, onion, celery, sunflower oil, salt and pepper.
Valores medios por cada 100g de producto
The Natural Broth of crab, spider crab and prawns is irresistible, and you only have to decide how you want to prepare it: fideuá, rice, paella, zarzuela…. The result will always be the same: exquisite!
Can content: Seafood stock (Water, brown crab (5%), spider crab (3%), butter, salt, parsley and garlic), sautéed Prawn (tomato, prawn (3.5%), onion, butter, sugar, oil sunflower, salt, garlic and citric acid), picada sauce (water, rice flour, sunflower oil, almond and garlic).
Valores medios por cada 100g de producto
Our fantastic fish and seafood stock, a concentrate with all the flavor of the sea so you can create the recipes you want the most. From fish dishes, rice dishes, zarzuelas, fideuás, paellas and as far as your imagination goes.
Water, fish and shellfish (11%) (rock fish, green crab and praw skin) olive oil, tomato (tomato, salt and citric acid), ñora (Dry cherry pepper) and salt
Valores medios por cada 100g de producto
At Just Married we believe that simple recipes are the basis of cooking. With them we can make a thousand recipes. Our vegetable broth, with top quality ingredients, will provide you with dishes that will leave you speechless.
Water, vegetables (9%) (leek, carrot, onion, potato, celery and parsley) olive oil, salt and pepper.
Valores medios por cada 100g de producto
Low heat, patience, a wooden spoon and 5 hours is the time it takes for the onion to achieve its color, taste and smell. The cooking secret to add flavor to your dishes.
Made with natural, local ingredients. without added preservatives.
Figueras variety fresh onion (80%) and sunflower oil.
Valores medios por cada 100g de producto
We love to surprise you with this wonderful duck with baked pears. Quality that will make you enjoy every bite.
Duck (45%), pears (22%), broth (water, bones, sunflower oil), onion, Port wine (4%), rice flour, salt, sugar and pepper.
Puede contener trazas de leche.
Valores medios por cada 100g de producto
At Just Married we make homemade onion and tomato sauté over low heat, with love and the best ingredients. It is the base of many of our dishes, and now it can also be yours.
We are your best secret, and rest assured that this secret is safe with us.
Onion (55%), tomato (35%) (tomato, salt and citric acid), sunflower oil, sugar and salt.
Valores medios por cada 100g de producto
Enjoy the most exquisite meat cooked by hand with natural and top quality ingredients. A flavor that will take you to the land of Extremadura and that will exceed the expectations of the most demanding.
Can content: Iberian pork cheek (48%), vegetable stock (water, leek, carrot, onion, celery, salt and pepper), onion, carrot, Port wine (sulphites), olive oil, sunflower oil, salt and pepper.
Valores medios por cada 100g de producto
Our funghi porcini risotto has the Roman charm, the Milanese manor, the Florentine delicacy, the Venetian moon and the Neapolitan flavor. How not to fall in love with the charms of our delicious Risotto?
Made with natural and local ingredients, without added preservatives.
Terrine content: Extra rice (19%)
Can content: Funghi porcini stock (water, funghi porcini (5%)(Boletus edulis silvestre), salt), chicken stock (water, chicken, vegetables (1%) (leek, carrot, onion, celery) salt and pepper), onion (12%), cream, olive oil (2%), butter, white wine (sulphites) and salt.
Valores medios por cada 100g de producto
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